Universal Property & Casualty Home Insurace

Universal Property & Casualty Home Insurance protects what is typically the biggest investment you’ll make: Your house. Yet this investment can disappear in matter of minutes or seconds if there’s a fire or natural disaster. Insurance is meant to come to the rescue in these times of calamity.

A home insurance policy covers much more than damage to your house. There are additional coverage types within a policy that can save you from financial disaster, with limits often set as a percentage of the dwelling’s coverage amount. (Check your own policy for limits.)

  • Your belongings. (Often 50 percent of the dwelling amount.)
  • Certain structures outside your house, such as your garage or fence. (Often 10 percent of the dwelling amount.)
  • Loss of use, meaning additional living expenses you incur if you can’t live at home due to damage. This could include hotel bills, restaurant meals and laundry costs. (Often 20 percent of the dwelling amount.)
  • Liability, for cases where you are sued for damages or injuries to someone else.
  • Medical bills for people injured on your property or by your pet
  • So call today and let us give you the coverage on your home insurance that best fits you and your family!
  • 850-484-0862
  • 850-477-4716

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